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The discussion on administrative arrangements was based on document A/AC.241/64, which provides responses to the questions raised by delegates after INCD-9 regarding the offers made by the UN Secretary-General and UNEP’s Executive Director. The Secretariat noted that the institutions could not address questions on the budget and staffing because they are the prerogative of the COP. The Chair also presented his draft decision from INCD-9, as well as that of the G-77 and China from INCD-7 (A/AC.241/WG.I/ VII/L.1).

Through informal consultations, the Group accepted the offer from the UN Secretary- General and used the Chair’s draft decision as a basis for negotiations. The focus of informal consultations was to develop text that would guarantee autonomy of the Permanent Secretariat with regard to management structure and activities, while ensuring it enjoys the benefits and privileges accorded to the UN system under the UN Charter. A legal expert from the UN Office of the Legal Counsel provided informal clarifications on this matter.

During the adoption of the report, the EU suggested replacing “administrative arrangements” with “necessary services” because the former is too narrow. Several delegations did not agree, arguing that “necessary services” was vague and that the process would also require the Secretary-General to revise his offer. It was agreed to refer to “administrative and support arrangements,” as stated in the Secretary-General’s offer.

The Group adopted the draft decision, which: accepts the offer of the UN Secretary- General to provide administrative and support arrangements; requests the Secretary- General to appoint the Executive Secretary of the CCD, after consulting with the COP through its Bureau; states that the CCD should not be fully integrated into the work programme and management structure of any particular department or programme of the UN; decides to review these arrangements no later than COP-4; requests the Executive Secretary to pursue the issue of allotment of overhead to defer administrative expenses and to report the results to COP-2; and expresses appreciation to the UN system and agencies that have supported the Interim Secretariat. The G-77 and China draft decision was withdrawn.

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