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ENB:04:11 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


The agenda for the first session of the INCD, held in Nairobi from 24 May - 3 June, included the following items: organizational matters, including the adoption of the agenda and election of officers; a week-long technical information segment; a discussion on the structure and possible elements of the Convention; a review of the situation as regards extrabudgetary funds; adoption of the provisional agenda for the second session; and adoption of the report of the first session. The first week focussed on the sharing of technical information and assessments on various aspects of drought and desertification. Divided into seven sections, the information sharing segment provided an opportunity for scientists, technical experts, delegates and NGOs to share relevant experiences and learn more about the scourge of desertification and its global dimensions. During the second week, the Plenary's major focus was on the structure and possible elements of the Convention.