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: Tijan Jallow, a technical advisor with UNSO, discussed capacity building for sustainable natural resources management. He said that capacity-building involves improvement in: human resource development; laws and regulations; and physical assets and procedures that govern the operations of the institutions. He listed the hindrances to capacity-building as: failure in the delivery system in implementation and monitoring; weak management and coordination in the recipient countries and support from the donors; the lack of a "market" for technical assessment, which is supply rather than demand driven; and a poor "enabling" environment. He said the most notable issue in sub- saharan Africa is the erosion of capacity. He said the Convention should first identify the constraints in development efforts in the past, including: community involvement; rights to local resources; and sectoral, large scale, capital intensive and imported approaches. He also said success depended on decentralization and empowerment, provision of secure rights to resources, flexibility in project implementation and community involvement in institution building. Some questions that need answers are: whether local communities can take over these new responsibilities; to what extent the state could allow empowerment to grow; what external support was needed; the legal and administrative measures required; and how long the common interest at the community level stratification would continue. He emphasized that capacity building should be recipient, not donor, driven.