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ENB:04:12 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


The workshop on Desertification and Land Use in the Mediterranean Basin met in Almer¡a, Spain from 29-30 June, 1993 with the objective of: reviewing the effects of land use on land degradation, biodiversity and the functioning of biological, social and cultural systems; providing scientific and technical inputs to the INCD from the Mediterranean perspective; and promoting interaction between regional experts on desertification. The meeting was attended by 82 experts from 20 countries and 8 international and national organizations. Discussion focussed on three topics: traditional land uses in relation to desertification; environmental and social impacts of high technology agriculture and tourism; and public policies for mitigating the effects of desertification. The Workshop recommended: further multidisciplinary research to include the participation of local communities; increased training to build national and institutional capacities; increased regional cooperation and a regional approach to the problem; continued EC support for desertification research in the Mediterranean in light of its contribution to the INCD negotiations; and follow-up to the meeting through information-exchange and workshops. The Workshop stressed the need for the Convention and recommended that the Mediterranean countries strongly support the work of the INCD. It also requested the INCD to reflect the conclusions of the workshop in the Convention and to stimulate the exchange of information and expertise between both sides of the Mediterranean basin and among other countries with similar climates.