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ENB:04:16 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


WORKING GROUP I: Due to the rapid pace in Working Group I, some delegates were not prepared to discuss the sections on structure and nature of commitments or national action programmes yesterday. Thus, discussion this morning will address these two subjects. Bolivia and Iran are scheduled to speak first on commitments. After discussion on commitments concludes, Canada and the EC will open discussion on national action programmes. If time permits, the Working Group will begin examining sub-regional action programmes.

WORKING GROUP II: The Chair indicated that she would prepare an objective summary of the different views presented on institutions in preparation for today's discussion on this issue. After consultations with the INCD Chair, Bo Kjell‚n, this morning, the Chair will decide whether to proceed with the discussion on "regional instruments" scheduled for today.

CHAIR'S DRAFT DECISION: The Chair's draft decision on the future work of the INCD was circulated yesterday. It recommends that the 48th General Assembly decide on the Committee's future work, including the prompt finalization of regional instruments. It postpones until the third session the development of a work programme for the period between June 1994 and the entry into force of the Convention (when, many feel, the regional instruments should be negotiated). Kjell‚n was scheduled to meet with the heads of the regional groups last night where, among other things, they were to inform him when their groups' would discuss the draft decision. Based on this information, Kjell‚n may schedule an informal session of Plenary this afternoon or Monday.

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