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ENB:04:20 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


PLENARY: Plenary is expected to meet in an informal session at 11:30 am to discuss the Chair's revised draft decision on the future work of the Committee. This will follow regional group meetings, a G-77 meeting, and further informal consultations between the Chair and the heads of the regional groups. If the morning's consultations last longer than expected, Plenary could be cancelled once again.

WORKING GROUP I: Working Group I is scheduled to hold an informal session this afternoon to discuss the Secretariat's informal paper, "Possible Categories to Structure Articles Containing Commitments." The paper was developed at the request of Canada and others. The discussion should focus on the section headings and the titles of the articles themselves. Categories suggested include: level, groups of countries and organizations, approach, and type. After conclusion of this discussion, the Working Group will hold its final formal meeting for this session to adopt its report, contained in A/AC.241/WGI/L.1.

WORKING GROUP II: An informal brainstorming session on regional instruments, based on the compilation document A/AC.241/12, is scheduled for this afternoon. Look for informal discussions on the legal aspects.