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In addition to adopting the decision on the future work of the Committee, the Plenary also addressed two other items at its closing session on Friday, 24 September. The Plenary adopted the draft provisional agenda for the third session (17-28 January 1994). The agenda includes: adoption of the organization of work; the elaboration of an international convention to combat desertification in countries experiencing serious drought and/or desertification, particularly in Africa; review of the situation regarding extra-budgetary funds; the adoption of a provisional agenda for the fourth session; and the adoption of the report of the Committee on its third session.

The Committee also adopted the report of its second session, as contained in document A/AC.241/L.13. This report will be submitted to the General Assembly along with the report of the first session. Appended to the report are the reports of the two working groups. Each of the working group's reports contains an annex in the form of a Chair's summary of work, to enable delegates to prepare for the next session.

In his closing statement, Kjell‚n acknowledged that the Committee had achieved what it had set out to do. He alerted the delegates to the critical path on which the Committee was treading and warned of the difficulties ahead. He highlighted two elements he considered important: continued attention and emphasis on action at the local level and the full participation of populations living in dryland areas. At the beginning of the third session, he continued, the Committee will have a consolidated text and indications of what is to be achieved through the regional instruments. He said that the negotiations on this text will take place in the working groups. He will continue to re-assess the organization of work. After closing statements from a number of delegates, Kjell‚n gavelled the second session of the INCD to a close.

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