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ENB:04:27 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


WORKING GROUP I: Working Group I, which will meet once again in the Trusteeship Council Chamber, will begin this morning with Article 10, "National action programmes," followed by: Articles 11 (Fields to be covered in national action programmes), 12 (Sub-regional action programmes); 13 (Regional action programmes), 14 (Measures in action programmes to mitigate the effects of drought), 15 (Assistance in the elaboration and implementation of action programmes), and 16 (Coordination in the elaboration and implementation of action programmes).

WORKING GROUP II: Working Group II will resume discussion on the Conference of Parties (Article 24). The Group will then discuss Articles 25-27 on Institutions.

IN THE CORRIDORS: The African Group is expected to meet this afternoon to finalize its proposed draft of the regional instrument for Africa. The draft is almost complete and several Africans expect that they will endorse it as a group this afternoon and present it to the Committee on Friday or Monday. Some have expressed concern about the Secretariat's document, "Possible Format and Elements of a Regional Implementation Annex for Africa" (A/AC.241/17) and feel that they were not adequately consulted during its preparation.