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The following documents have been prepared for the fifth session of the INCD:

  • A/AC.241/22: Provisional Agenda. This document contains the provisional agenda for the fifth session of the INCD, as adopted by the Committee at its fourth session.
  • A/AC.241/23: Review of the situation as regards extrabudgetary funds. This document updates the status of the two funds established for the INCD: the Voluntary Fund to support the participation of developing countries affected by drought and desertification, and the Trust Fund for the negotiating process.
  • A/AC.241/24: Negotiating Text of a Regional Implementation Annex for Latin America and the Caribbean. This document, originally introduced at INCD-4 by the Latin American and Caribbean Group, will be formally discussed by the INCD for the first time at this session.
  • A/AC.241/25: Negotiating Text of a Regional Implementation Annex for Asia. This document, originally introduced at INCD-4 by the Asian countries, will be formally discussed by the INCD for the first time at this session.
  • A/AC.241/26: Negotiating Text of a Regional Implementation Annex for the Northern Mediterranean. This document has been developed by representatives of Greece, Spain and Portugal. At this session, the Commission will have to determine if this regional annex will be formally discussed at this session and included in the Convention.
  • A/AC.241/15/Rev.3: Final Negotiating Text of the Convention. This document, which was distributed informally at the conclusion of the fourth session of the INCD, will be the basis for discussions in the Plenary.
  • A/AC.241/19/Rev.1: Final Negotiating Text of a Regional Implementation Annex for Africa. This document is the result of the negotiations during INCD-4. The OAU Ad Hoc Group of Experts met in Nairobi from 11-17 May 1994 and has proposed amendments to the African Annex, which they will formally present during this session.
  • A/AC.241/9/Add.7: List of Non-Governmental Organizations recommended for accreditation.
  • A/49/84/Add.1: Report of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for the Elaboration of an International Convention to Combat Desertification in those countries experiencing serious drought and/or desertification, particularly in Africa, on its fourth session.
  • A/AC.241/L.18: Proposed modifications to the negotiating text relating to categories of countries. This document proposes modifications to the paragraphs in the Convention that refer to different categories of countries.
  • A/AC.241/L.19: Working Paper on the financial provisions of the Convention. This paper presents the results of the consultations undertaken by Pierre Marc Johnson (Canada) and Bolong Sonko (The Gambia) on the provisions of the Convention relating to financial resources and mechanisms. This text contains proposed changes to document A/AC.241/15/Rev 3 in the following articles: Preamble (paragraphs 18 and 19); Article 4 (paragraph 2(h)); Article 9 (paragraph 2); Article 13 (sub-paragraph (b)); Article 20; Article 21; and Article 22 (paragraph 2(g)).
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