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ENB:04:48 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


The informal Plenary completed a second reading of the bracketed text of the Convention that does not relate to finance, categories of countries, principles or institutions. Following this reading, brackets still remain in ten articles.

ARTICLE 39 -- WITHDRAWAL: Developing country delegates agreed to delete paragraph 3 (meeting obligations and commitments after withdrawal), provided that in paragraph 1 Parties can withdraw from the Convention any time after three years from the date the Convention enters into force for a Party.

ARTICLE 11 -- SUBREGIONAL AND REGIONAL ACTION PROGRAMMES: The EU agreed to maintain the reference to "regional" in the title and the article.

ARTICLE 17 -- RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT: There was consensus that the word "existing" before "international institutions" should be deleted in paragraph 1 (promoting scientific and technological cooperation).

ARTICLE 23 -- PERMANENT SECRETARIAT: The EU and Japan agreed to remove the brackets around "Permanent."

ARTICLE 25 -- NETWORKING OF INSTITUTIONS, AGENCIES AND BODIES: Delegates agreed to delete the word "existing," which had appeared before "institutions" in the title, provided "existing" was retained in paragraph 1.

ARTICLE 26 -- COMMUNICATION OF INFORMATION: In paragraph 1 (communication of reports), it was agreed to communicate reports on the measures taken for the "implementation of this Convention." Agreement was also reached on paragraph 5, which now states that information on the provision of financial resources should be included.

ARTICLE 27 -- MEASURES TO RESOLVE QUESTIONS OF IMPLEMENTATION: It was agreed to delete reference to "compliance" and use the term "implementation" in both the title and text.

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