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The discussions, which were chaired by Anne de Lattre, were based on document A/AC.241/CRP.11, submitted by Chile, with references made to the Secretariat's document, A/AC.241/24.

ARTICLE 3 -- PROGRAMMES OF ACTION: Delegates agreed that affected parties "shall prepare, as appropriate," national action programmes to combat desertification and/or mitigate the effects of drought. Canada's proposal on the participation of local communities and NGOs, although supported by the European Union and Australia, was referred to an informal group. The EU proposed the following compromise language for consideration by the informal group: "In the preparation of their national action programmes, the affected country Parties in the region, shall pay particular attention to Article 10, paragraph 2 sub-paragraph (f) of the Convention."

ARTICLE 4 -- CONTENT OF THE NATIONAL PROGRAMMES: The chapeau now reads: "In the light of their own situation, affected country Parties in the region, may take account, inter alia, of the following thematic issues in developing their national strategies for action to combat desertification and/or mitigate the effects of drought in accordance with Article 5 of the Convention." Sub-paragraph (c) underscores the need to achieve food security and sustainable development and management of agricultural activities. Sub-paragraph (f) provides for the "rational management and conservation of soil, land and water resources." Sub-paragraph (l) provides for "establishing and strengthening" of institutional and legal frameworks.

ARTICLE 5 -- TECHNICAL, SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL COOPERATION: Sub-paragraphs (c) and (e) are still unresolved. The chapeau now lists, as a basis for action, the relevant articles of the Convention and the coordinating "mechanisms" in Article 7. Sub-paragraph (a) calls for the promotion and strengthening of technical cooperation networks, as appropriate." Sub-paragraph (c) will be amended to refer to Article 18 of the Convention and now reads, "promote the use and equitable and balanced sharing of benefits from traditional and indigenous knowledge and know-how." Sub-paragraph (d) calls for country Parties to "identify" the requirements in the transfer of technology. Several amendments were proposed for sub-paragraph (e) (technology transfer), which was referred to the informal working group.

The informal group, coordinated by the Latin American Group, was asked to address the outstanding issues.

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