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ENB:04:52 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


INFORMAL WORKING GROUP ON THE ASIAN REGIONAL IMPLEMENTATION ANNEX: This Group is expected to meet this morning to complete its work.

OTHER MEETINGS: The schedule of the day's events was to be discussed by the Bureau late Tuesday night. Check both the Journal and the television monitors for up-to-date information. It is possible that there will be a meeting of the Johnson-Sonko Group this morning. It is also possible that the Plenary will meet in an informal session in the afternoon to address outstanding issues in the Convention. Look for a formal Plenary meeting if any other ministers show up and want to speak. Finally, look for numerous informal consultations to continue throughout this crucial day in the negotiating process.

INFOBAHN ONRAMP OUTSIDE SALLE III: Earth Negotiations Bulletin team members will be previewing their new Internet-based computer information service called "Linkages: A Multimedia Resource for Environment and Development Policymakers." Visit the computer outside Salle III today and tomorrow for demonstrations in English and French.