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ENB:04:55 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


This Article contains definitions for desertification, combatting desertification, drought, mitigating the effects of drought, land, land degradation, arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas, affected areas, affected countries, regional economic integration organization, and developed country Parties. These latter two definitions, as well as the overall problem with categories of countries, were the subject of discussion at INCD-5.

Paragraph 2 (establishment of a glossary) was deleted after the Secretariat explained that UNEP had already commissioned a dictionary of terms related to desertification, making this paragraph unnecessary. Definition of "other Parties in a position to provide assistance" was deleted and replaced with a definition of developed country Parties. It reads: "'developed country Parties' means developed country Parties and regional economic integration organizations constituted by developed countries." Reference to affected country Parties eligible for assistance under this Convention was also deleted. Thus, the categories of countries are now affected countries, developed country Parties and developing country Parties. There is no longer reference to Parties needing assistance, Parties in a position to provide assistance or Parties providing assistance.