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ENB:04:55 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


By the conclusion of INCD-4, delegates reached agreement on the contents of this Article. The US insisted on retaining the brackets around the entire article, since it was opposed to including principles in the Convention. On the final day of INCD-5, delegates agreed to delete the brackets and retain the Article. The sub- paragraph on the sovereign right of nations to exploit their own resources was deleted since similar language is contained in the Preamble.

The Article now lists four principles to guide the Parties in implementing the Convention: the participation of local communities in the design and implementation of programmes to combat desertification; cooperation and coordination at the subregional, regional and international levels; cooperation among all levels of government, communities, NGOs and landholders; and the special needs of affected developing countries.


ARTICLE 4 -- GENERAL OBLIGATIONS: This Article lists the obligations of all Parties under the Convention, emphasizing the need to coordinate efforts and develop a coherent long-term strategy at all levels. These obligations include: adopting an integrated approach in addressing desertification and drought; giving due attention to the situation of affected developing country Parties with regard to trade, marketing arrangements and debt; integrating strategies for poverty eradication into efforts to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought; promoting cooperation among affected country Parties; strengthening subregional, regional and international cooperation; and cooperating within relevant intergovernmental organizations.

Delegates agreed to delete reference to the development of financial mechanisms that provide for new and additional resources. This sub-paragraph was replaced by the following: "promote the use of existing bilateral and multilateral financial mechanisms and arrangements that mobilize and channel substantial financial resources to affected developing country Parties in combatting desertification and mitigating the effects of drought." [Return to start of article]