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ENB:04:55 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


A key problem in this Article had been the title of the institution. The African Group has requested the use of the word "permanent." The developed countries argued that this expression did not agree with the wording in similar international agreements. In Paris, the Secretariat announced that, according to the UN Legal Office, it does not matter if the secretariat is referred to as "permanent." After consultations, the EU, Japan and Norway agreed to remove the brackets and retain the word "permanent."

The Article states that the functions of the Permanent Secretariat shall be to: make arrangements for sessions of the COP and its subsidiary bodies; compile and transmit reports; facilitate assistance to affected developing country Parties on request; coordinate its activities with the secretariats of other relevant international bodies and conventions; and perform other secretariat functions as determined by the COP. The COP at its first session shall designate the Permanent Secretariat and make arrangements for its functioning.