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Perhaps the most concrete shortcoming of the Convention, according to many developing countries, was the lack of commitment for new and additional resources. During the finance negotiations, the G-77 stressed the need for a desertification fund as well as new and additional financial resources. On the other hand, donors were only prepared to discuss such matters as increasing the efficiency of current aid flows. Even with the increased coordination and efficiency that may result from the operation of the Global Mechanism, some felt that the monies freed up would not fully meet the large-scale costs needed to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought. Given the realities of national sovereignty and international law, the most that could be achieved was the articulation of a framework for action to be taken at the national, subregional or regional levels. Even the regional annexes were not able to set out specifics. As such, an international convention may not have been best vehicle to bring about the concrete changes needed at the regional and national levels to effectively combat desertification.