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ENB:04:58 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


PLENARY: The INCD Plenary will convene at 10:00 am to discuss Agenda Items 2 (Work programme for the interim period) and 3 (Preparation for the Conference of the Parties). The Executive Secretary of the Interim Secretariat, Arba Diallo, will introduce A/AC.241/29, which contains recommendations on these items. Delegates will then be invited to comment.

REGIONAL GROUP MEETINGS: The Plenary will not meet at 3:00 pm to allow time for regional groups to meet.

NGO STRATEGY SESSION: NGOs will be meeting each morning this week at 9:00 am in Conference Room D.

COMPUTER ROOM: The CCD Interim Secretariat has set up a computer center in Conference Room A. Although the set-up is not as technologically advanced as in Paris, delegates will find a handful of computers and printers available for their use for the duration of INCD-6.