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Over the last two days, the funding situation of the Interim Secretariat has raised concern among several developing country delegations over the venue of INCD-8. Following the Executive Secretary's report on extrabudgetary funds and the observation that few developed countries have made concrete commitments to provide funds for both the Trust and Voluntary Funds, delegations have questioned the rationale of holding the next session in Geneva. Some suggest that the 1995 General Assembly should discuss the venue of INCD-8, moving it to New York if the funds are not forthcoming for attendance by developing country delegations by the time the GA is held. Even then, some delegates see a different problem in New York: INCD-8 will entail negotiations outside the familiarity or expertise of several members of the Second Committee, who would substitute there for regular INCD delegates. On average, it costs approximately US$250,000 to fund the participation of 65 delegates from developing countries. In view of the pressure to redress this problem, it is likely that INCD Chair Kjellén could present a draft decision to Thursday's plenary requesting the GA to address the issue.