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ENB:04:75 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


The Secretariat introduced the document (A/AC.241/36) and its annex of sample tables, noting that it was an outline. Budget figures and more specific programme categories could be filled in once decisions are made on a programme of work.

Several delegations suggested additions or changes to the sample tables provided, including the addition of an organizational chart explaining the number of posts in the Secretariat. Delegates debated whether travel costs should be paid for developing countries or only LDCs, with donor countries proposing greater restrictions and developing countries noting that a decision was already in place on the subject. The Group agreed that travel costs would be supported for "delegates of developing countries, in particular LDCs."

The draft decision on the Programme and Budget (A/AC.241/WG.1(VII)/L.4) was adopted. It invites the Interim Secretariat to prepare a revised version of the document. Delegates agreed that written submissions could be included in the revised draft but should be indicated as not having been previously discussed by the INCD.