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The Group convened briefly in the morning and heard a statement from INCD Chair Bo Kjellén and then adjourned to enable the informal, open-ended contact group to continue negotiating the Global Mechanism’s fourth function on mobilization and channelling of financial resources. Kjellén stated three reasons for satisfaction with this INCD session: the CCD’s entry into force is only five ratifications away; the additional activities, such as the Panel, indicate the vitality of the CCD; and progress has been made laying the groundwork for action to be taken at the next session.

The Group re-convened at 5:30 pm for three hours and completed consideration of the Global Mechanism, administrative arrangements for the Permanent Secretariat and financial rules.

GLOBAL MECHANISM: In spite of the day-long informal negotiations, no solution was reached on the text for paragraph 4, promoting actions to mobilize and channel financial resources.

When the meeting started in the late afternoon there seemed to be consensus on text that incorporated both the wishes of the OECD group of countries and the G-77 and China. The proposed text had all the functions in the Secretariat’s text, with minor amendments, preceded by chapeaux that would make the function facilitative in nature, except for the paragraph stating “to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of existing financial resources....” However, this lack of a chapeau was unacceptable to the OECD group of countries. Consequently, it was agreed that the Secretariat’s text, the new version introduced Thursday evening, and the text submitted by the OECD group of countries (on Monday) should become subparagraphs (e), (e)(bis) and (e)(ter) respectively. All three will be bracketed. The G-77 and China insisted that the document is a package so it is entirely bracketed.

A procedural decision was adopted that: transmits the document to INCD-10; requests IFAD and UNDP to submit their updated offers to the Secretariat by 21 October 1996; invites delegates to submit to the Secretariat written comments to the updated offers; and to consider the selection of the GM at INCD-10.

FINANCIAL RULES: Delegates then considered the draft decision to transmit the financial rules (A/AC.241/45/Rev.2) to INCD-10. The decision noted that Rule 23 (decision procedures) remained bracketed along with the name of the relevant institution. Austria said he and others in the OECD had understood that Rule 23 would be deleted. If it were not he had some minor amendments to introduce. The Chair said he would tell the Plenary that Rule 23 should be deleted.

ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS: Greece, on behalf of the OECD group of countries, proposed text for the draft decision on the designation of a Permanent Secretariat and arrangements for its functioning, calling on the UN Secretary-General and UNEP to answer questions posed by INCD members, for consideration at INCD-10. Delegates agreed.

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