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ENB:04:94 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


Chair Shibata (Japan) introduced five draft decisions proposed for adoption by the Plenary. The first, draft decision for submission to the COP on procedures for communication of information and review of implementation, was adopted without amendments.

During discussion of the second draft decision (draft rules of procedures of the COP) Spain noted that a suggested amendment in Rule 22 in A/AC.241/48/Rev.1, which was discussed at INCD-8, had not been taken note of. He insisted that the draft decision include the language, within brackets. The amendment, regarding adequate representation of “Annex” affected country Parties, was supported by Portugal, Turkey and Greece, and relates to similar text in Rule 31 on the election of officers to subsidiary bodies. The Chair said that note would be incorporated. The draft decision was adopted with minor changes.

In the third draft decision (report on work being done on benchmarks and indicators to measure progress in the implementation of the Convention) subparagraph (b) was amended by Benin, on behalf of the G-77 and China, to read: “to establish under its authority an informal open-ended...regional and/or sub-regional groups...and non- governmental organizations referred to....” The decision was adopted.

Under the fourth draft decision (organization of scientific and technological cooperation) Spain again asked to include, in paragraph 6 in A/AC.241/57, text noting that the Vice- Chairpersons should be elected from an “Annex” affected country Party. After some debate, delegates replaced the draft decision with the text from the negotiated document (A/AC.241/57, page 2).

In the fifth draft decision (program of work for the Committee on Science and Technology), in subparagraph (c), delegates decided to delete language so that the first two lines would read: “Requests the interim secretariat to identify bodies of other relevant organizations.”

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