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The following documents have been prepared by the Secretariat for the first session of the CSD:

E/CN.17/1993/4: Adoption of the agenda and other organizational matters. This document contains the agenda and the organization of work for this session of the CSD.

E/CN.17/1993/5: Adoption of a multi-year thematic programme of work. The proposed programme of work through 1997 is as follows: In each of the years from 1994-1996, the following five cross-sectoral clusters will be reviewed: A. Critical elements of sustainability; B. Financial resources and mechanisms; C. Education, science, transfer of environmentally sound technologies, cooperation and capacity-building; D. Decision-making structures; and E. Roles of major groups. In each year particular emphasis will be on different chapters of Agenda 21 within each of the cross-sectoral clusters. The sectoral clusters will be reviewed in three phases, as follows: 1994: F. Health, human settlements and freshwater, and I. Toxic chemicals and hazardous wastes; 1995: G. Land, desertification, forests and biodiversity; and 1996: H. Atmosphere, oceans and all kinds of seas. The 1997 session will have an overall review and appraisal of Agenda 21 in preparation for that year's special session of the General Assembly, as envisaged in resolution 47/190.

E/CN.17/1993/6: Guidelines to the Secretariat for organizing information provided by governments. Experience gained from the UNCED process showed that the one-year period provided for preparation of national reports based on suggested guidelines was insufficient. Format and size varied, and it was hard to extract information and be uniform in the analysis. The Secretary-General has recommended that it would be useful for governments to follow some standardized format in preparing their reports/communications for the Commission, including: it must be in one of the official UN languages, not exceed 50 pages, refer to specific facts and data that would reflect improvements or degradation of situations, and be submitted to the Secretariat at least three months prior to the start of the CSD session.

E/CN.17/1993/7: Ways in which the UN system and bilateral donors are assisting in the preparation of national reports. All UNDP Resident Representatives were asked to provide specific information and by the end of May, responses from 110 countries were received through UNDP field offices. In at least 70 countries, national coordinating committees have been established to address UNCED decisions. In 76 countries, new projects to follow-up UNCED have been developed; however, it is unclear as to how many of these "new" projects are really continuations of earlier projects. UNDP has been asked by more than 40 countries for assistance in preparing National Agenda 21's.

E/CN/17/1993/8: Progress in the incorporation of UNCED recommendations in the activities of international organizations. This report, prepared on the basis of inputs received from agencies and programmes of the UN system, covers major areas of activities related to the implementation of Agenda 21, as well as new initiatives and processes launched within the UN system to implement the results of UNCED and incorporate sustainable development principles at all programme levels. The information is organized along the clusters of chapters of Agenda 21.

E/CN.17/1993/9: Improving coordination of programmes related to development data in the UN system. This document outlines current and prospective UN activities relevant to the recommendations of Chapter 40 of Agenda 21. The first section describes the nature of a possible "Development Watch" and the second section describes UNSTAT's proposals for integrated accounting and indicators of sustainable development.

E/CN.17/1993/10: Transfer of environmentally-sound technology. This report provides background information and a framework for the CSD's consideration of Chapter 34 of Agenda 21. It highlights activities undertaken by UNDP and UNEP and other UN organs, national governments, intergovernmental organizations, NGOs and the private sector on the transfer of environmentally-sound technologies, cooperation and capacity building. The document also lists a number of activities that the CSD may want to consider.

E/CN.17/1993/11: Initial financial commitments. The implementation of Agenda 21 requires the provision to developing countries of new and additional financial resources. This document provides information on initial financial commitments, financial flows and arrangements to give effect to the decisions of UNCED from all available funding sources and mechanisms. The report analyzes the agreement for the 10th replenishment of the IDA, discusses various issues related to the GEF and its restructuring and replenishment, and addresses recent developments with regard to enhancing the flows of official and private capital to developing countries anddebt relief.

E/CN.17/1993/12: Issues to be addressed during the high-level meeting. This document suggests that the high-level meeting could focus on the following themes: critical dimensions of sustainability; national implementation and decision-making structures; financial resources; technology transfer; and UN system implementation. In addition, the high-level meeting may want to consider specific initiatives in some of the areas dealt with in Agenda 21 in order to give practical expression to principles of partnership between countries and between governments and NGOs that underlie Agenda 21.

E/CN.17/1993/13: Information provided by the Trade and Development Board of the UNCTAD on the implementation of Agenda 21. This document reports on the plans of the Trade and Development Board to implement Agenda 21 within its mandate. It includes decision 402 entitled "Sustainable development" adopted by the Board at the second part of its 39th session in March 1993.

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