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ENB:05:05 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


PLENARY: Discussion will continue on this morning on financial matters (E/CN.17/1993/11 and Add.1). Razali will then turn to Agenda Item 6, "Progress achieved in facilitating and promoting the transfer of environmentally sound technology, cooperation and capacity-building" (E/CN.17/1993/10).

WORKING GROUPS: The Working Groups will hold their first sessions today in Conference Room 2. Working Group I, chaired by Ghazi Jomaa of Tunisia, will begin work in the morning on the multi-year thematic programme of work for the Commission, if the Chair's draft decision is available in all working languages. If not, the Chair will move directly to discussion of L.3 on guidelines to the Secretariat for organizing information provided by governments on issues related to implementation of Agenda 21. Working Group II, chaired by Arthur Campeau of Canada, is scheduled to meet during the afternoon to discuss Agenda Item 7. If the Chair's draft decision on this matter is not available in all languages, Campeau will likely cancel the meeting and immediately begin informal consultations on financial commitments, flows and arrangements.

OTHER ACTIVITIES: The Women's Caucus will meet at 8:30 am in Conference Room A, followed by the NGO Strategy Session at 9:30 am in Conference Room B. Dr. Twig Johnson will give a presentation on the USAID Environment Program for Sustainable Development at 2:00 pm on the 11th floor of the Church Center. The NGO/Government dialogue will be held in Conference Room 4 at 6:00 pm, followed by the NGO Plenary at 7:00 pm.

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