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ENB:05:06 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


PLENARY: Twenty UN agencies have been invited to speak on Agenda Item 5, "Progress in incorporating the recommendations of UNCED in the activities of international organizations, and measures undertaken by the ACC to ensure that sustainable development principles are incorporated into programmes and processes within the UN system." If there is time, governments will have an opportunity to comment.

INFORMAL NEGOTIATING GROUP I: Negotiating Group I will begin negotiations this morning with L.4, the Chair's draft decision on the multi-year thematic work programme. It is expected that the group will move paragraph-by- paragraph through the text. If time permits, the group may begin discussing L.3 Rev. 1, "Guidelines to the Secretariat for organizing information provided by Governments."

INFORMAL NEGOTIATING GROUP II: Campeau will begin this afternoon on a first reading of the Chair's draft decision on financial commitments, flows and arrangements. Look for a new paper to emerge on technology transfer, based on the discussions that ended yesterday in Plenary on Agenda item 6.