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The first meeting of the High-Level Advisory Board on Sustainable Development was held in New York on 13-14 September 1993. The Board appointed Mr. Bernard Chidzero (Zimbabwe) as its Chair, Ms. Briggitta Dahl (Sweden) as Vice-Chair and Mr. Martin Holdgate (United Kingdom) as Rapporteur. Other members of the Advisory Board appointed by UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali are: Mr. Jacques Cousteau (France), Mr. Qu Geping (China), Mr. Saburo Kawai (Japan), Mr. Tommy Koh (Singapore), Mr. Valentin Koptyug (Russian Federation), Mr. Bola Kuforiji-Olubi (Nigeria), Ms. Rita Levi Montalcini (Italy), Mr. Celso Lafer (Brazil), Ms. Maria de los Angelos Moreno (Mexico), Ms. Laura Novoa (Chile), Justice R. S. Pathak (India), Mr. Emil Salim (Indonesia), Mr. Klaus Schwab (Germany), Mr. Stefan Schmidheiny (Switzerland), Ms. Adele Simmons (United States), Mr. Maurice Strong (Canada), and Mr. Mostafa Tolba (Egypt). The members of the Advisory Board have been appointed for a two-year period.

At its first meeting, the Board decided to focus its efforts initially within three broad themes:

  • Linkages between economic, social and political development in a changing world;
  • New approaches to finance and technology; and
  • The establishment of new partnerships between the United Nations and other bodies active in the field of sustainable development.
The Board agreed to establish three panels of its members to examine and elaborate recommendations on these issues. The first panel will be co-chaired by Klaus Schwab and Emil Salim, the second panel by Tommy Koh and Stefan Schmidheiny and the third panel by Jacques Cousteau and Justice Pathak. These panels will work by electronic and other means of communication, consider the various studies and initiatives being undertaken by other bodies, consult experts and organizations known to them, when appropriate, and report back to the Advisory Board. The next meeting of the High-Level Advisory Board is scheduled for 17-22 March 1994.

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