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UNEP, the ILO and the WHO convened the International Conference on Chemical Safety, which was held at the invitation of Sweden, in Stockholm from 25-29 April 1994. Representatives from 114 countries, UN bodies, specialized agencies and NGOs agreed to establish an Intergovernmental Forum on Chemical Safety. The functions of the Forum will be to: identify priorities for cooperative action on chemical safety; advise and recommend concerted international strategies for hazard identification and risk assessment of chemicals; secure the collaboration of national, regional and international bodies in the field of chemical safety; promote the strengthening of national coordinating mechanisms and capacities for chemicals management; promote international agreements; identify gaps in scientific knowledge; and review the effectiveness of ongoing activities. All Member States of the UN, its specialized agencies and the IAEA are invited to participate in the Forum. Relevant UN bodies and agencies and NGOs are also invited to participate, without the right to vote.