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ENB:05:21 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


WORKING GROUP I: Working Group I still has to complete its first reading of texts on: information provided by governments; consumption patterns; and indicators for sustainable development. The Group will then begin its second reading of the draft texts on finance and major groups. All other revised drafts are supposed to be adopted ad referendum by the end of the day.

WORKING GROUP II: Working Group II has to complete its second and final reading of four draft documents today: human settlements, freshwater resources, hazardous wastes and radioactive wastes.

INFORMAL-INFORMAL ON INTERSESSIONAL WORK: Listen for an announcement today on when this informal group will reconvene to finalize its recommendations on intersessional work.

FAO BRIEFING ON FORESTS: The FAO is hosting a briefing on UNCED follow-up in the field of forestry and related initiatives in Conference Room 5 at 1:30 pm.

NGO-GOVERNMENT DIALOGUE: The Earth Council, NRDC and WRI are organizing a dialogue on national multi-stakeholder councils on sustainable development. The meeting will be in Conference Room 5 or 6 at 7:15 pm.