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AD HOC OPEN-ENDED INTERSESSIONAL WORKING GROUPS: At its second session, the CSD agreed to continue the work of the ad hoc open-ended intersessional working group on finance and established a new working group to address the sectoral issues that will be examined by the CSD in 1995 (land management, forests, desertification and biodiversity). The Ad Hoc Working Group on the Sectoral Themes will meet from 27 February - 3 March 1995. The Ad Hoc Working Group on Finance will meet from 6-10 March 1995. Both meetings will be at UN Headquarters in New York. For more information, contact the CSD Secretariat at +1-212-963-5949; fax: +1-212-963-4260; e-mail:

THIRD SESSION OF THE CSD: The third session of the CSD will meet from 11-28 April 1995 at UN Headquarters in New York. Focus will be on the following cross-sectoral components of Agenda 21: Chapters 3 (poverty); 5 (demographics); 8 (integrating environment and development in decision-making);16 (biotechnology); 22-32 (major groups); and 40 (information). Financial resources and mechanisms (Chapter 33) and the chapters on transfer of environmentally sound technology, cooperation and capacity building (34), science (35) and education (36) will also be discussed. The sectoral cluster for this session includes: Chapters 10 (land management), 11 (forests); 12 (desertification and drought); 13 (mountains); 14 (sustainable agriculture); 15 (biological diversity); and the Forest Principles.

The proposed schedule is to open the session with a presentation of the work of the ad hoc open-ended working groups on finance and sectoral issues. On 12-13 April, there will be panel discussions on the issues considered by the working groups. The CSD will then have two days for the sharing of national experiences. Two members of each regional group will be asked to present their experiences so that there will be a total of ten presentations and an open discussion. There will also be one day for sharing experiences of implementing Agenda 21 at the local level. Three drafting groups will then be established to address the cross sectoral and sectoral issues under consideration. This programme of work is subject to change and for more information contact the CSD Secretariat (see above).

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