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ENB:05:34 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


PLENARY: The Plenary will hear five presentations on national experiences in integrated land management and sustainable agriculture. These include: Australia's Landcare Programme; Influence of Environmental Measures on Chilean Vegetable and Fruit Exports; Integrated Land Management and Sustainable Agriculture in Hungary; Promoting Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in Indonesia; and Land Management and Sustainable Development in Morocco. In addition, look for the Secretariat to distribute copies of the remaining draft decisions.

CAPACITY 21 PRESENTATIONS: UNDP will host presentations by The Gambia and Costa Rica on their experiences with UNDP's Capacity 21 programme at 6:00 pm in Room 5.

THIRD WORLD NETWORK FORUM: Today's forum, which will take place at 1:15 pm, will be on patenting of life forms, intellectual property rights and sustainability.