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Drafting Group B, chaired by Takao Shibata, completed first readings of all the draft texts and completed a second reading of the Chair's revised draft on technology transfer.

SCIENCE FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: The EU said that all the activities in the Chapter will be funded within existing resources and amended paragraphs 2 (proposals for action) and 3 (intergovernmental processes), accordingly. In paragraph 7 (capacity building), the G-77/China added references to 'sharing of know-how' and a new sub-paragraph 7(3), on additional financial flows. The US reserved. The EU introduced paragraph 7 bis, calling on Parties to the biodiversity, desertification and climate change conventions to explore scientific cooperation. In paragraph 10(1) (scientific education), Canada and the G- 77/China called for recognition of domestic education programmes and national priorities.

INTEGRATING ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT IN DECISION- MAKING: Belarus introduced paragraph 1 bis, proposing an international conference on sustainable development and countries with economies in transition. Delegates discussed the possibility of raising this initiative at the High- Level Segment.

INFORMATION BY GOVERNMENTS AND ORGANIZATIONS: There was general agreement on this text, subject to EU consultations.

INFORMATION FOR DECISION-MAKING: In paragraph 1 (information accessibility), Canada suggested that developed countries facilitate access for developing countries to sustainable development information. The EU deleted the reference to national governments ensuring the 'integration of information for sustainable development at the country level.' Iceland objected. In paragraph 4 (strengthening Earthwatch), the G-77/China requested that Earthwatch provide 'early warning on the state of the environment.' In paragraph 6 (common database), the US referred to the increase of information systems for sustainable development at national and regional levels and the need for greater compatibility.

MAJOR GROUPS: In paragraph 2 (role of other major groups), the EU and Iceland deleted the proposal for the one-day programme of events for the 1996 session focusing on the role and contribution of major groups. The US and Canada objected. In paragraph 3 (major group representation on delegations), the G-77/China deleted the reference to increasing participation of major groups at the international level. In paragraph 4(c) (partnerships), the EU said that major groups should choose their own representatives in national coordinating mechanisms. In paragraph 5 (enhancing participation), Australia requested the Secretariat to prepare a study for the fourth session of the CSD on the procedures for NGO access to intersessional activities and other relevant meetings. In paragraph 6 (funding), the G-77/China requested a reference to new and additional funding. The EU added new paragraphs on: strengthening the role of major groups at national and local levels; the role of youth; and calling on the Beijing Conference to address the role of sustainable development. The US proposed language to highlight the voluntary nature of funding.

In paragraph 7 (information exchange between major groups and governments), Canada introduced two paragraphs. The first calls for the ECOSOC review to ensure that major groups are provided with the opportunity to participate in the work of the CSD and to increase the opportunities for national NGOs. The second recommends that the implementation of Resolution 1194 does not interfere with the work of the NGOs in the CSD and that roster status should be extended.

TRANSFER OF ENVIRONMENTALLY SOUND TECHNOLOGY, COOPERATION AND CAPACITY BUILDING: During the second reading, delegates agreed to a new reference to Agenda 21 provisions on favorable access to ESTs in paragraph 4 (EST transfer). The US added a reference to South- South cooperation. A new paragraph 5 refers to the social, cultural, environmental and economic dimensions of ESTs and advocates international cooperation. In new paragraph 6 (national implementation and ESTs), the EU said that implementation of Agenda 21 'should be enhanced through the' development and transfer of ESTs, which the G-77/China qualified according to country priorities. No agreement was reached on paragraph 7 bis (role of private sector). There was prolonged debate on the reformulated sub- paragraphs 9(1) to 9(2) (work programme).

A new sub-paragraph 9(4) calls for reports to the CSD on the experiences on the impact and effectiveness of all sectors. In paragraph 10 (EST measures), Canada proposed a new sub-paragraph on partnerships between private sector interests in developed and developing countries. The G-77/China objected to 'facilitate business operations' in the reference to the role of EST Centers, in sub- paragraph 1. They argued that other sectors, such as farmers, should be able to benefit from EST centers. Delegates agreed to the EU reference to 'strengthening' instead of 'establishing' the Technology Triangle in sub-paragraph 5. In paragraph 11, a compromise was found to 'provide encouragement including providing new and additional financial resources.' Paragraphs 5 bis (global and regional funds)and 6 (role of financial sector) were merged. The first bullet (assessment of the potential impact and benefits of ESTs) was merged with the chapeau of the original paragraph 6.

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