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The Plenary met in the morning to finalize its work on the outstanding draft resolutions.

DRAFTING GROUP A: The Chair, Magn£s J¢hannesson, noted that drafts on Changing Production and Consumption Patterns and Trade, Environment and Sustainable Development were unresolved. Changing Production and Consumption Patterns: In paragraph 16 (work programmes), the reference to a 'forum' was replaced with 'an expert meeting with the widest possible participation, hosted by interested governments.' This amendment was accepted. Trade, Environment and Sustainable Development: No consensus was reached on the reference to sustainable development in paragraph 3 (Uruguay Round).

DRAFTING GROUP B: Takao Shibata noted that two paragraphs remained unresolved: sub-paragraph 10(3) (finance) in Science for Sustainable Development and paragraph 12 (finance) in Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technology, Cooperation and Capacity Building. In paragraph 12, the bracketed references were replaced with 'the provision and the mobilization of resource flows' and references to Chapters 33.13-16 and 34 of Agenda 21 were added. It was agreed to replace paragraph 10(3) with a reference to Chapters 33.14-16 and 35 of Agenda 21 in the chapeau. The final formulation was suggested by the Chair, and amended by the US and the G-77/China.

DRAFTING GROUP C: In Overall Considerations, paragraph 1 (integrated approach) now includes reference to 'freshwater' ecosystems. In paragraph 3 (financial support), relevant articles of Chapter 33 of Agenda 21 are cited.

Integrated Approach to the Planning and Management of Land Resources: A new paragraph 20 reaffirms commitments in Chapters 33 and 34 of Agenda 21. Brackets were removed in paragraphs 16 (holistic approach to biodiversity) and from 19(d) (ESTs and resources). Combating Deforestation: Paragraph 24 (forest product certification and labeling) is deleted. In paragraph 23 (EST transfers), 'the provision of new and additional resources' replaces a reference to 'adequate and predictable new and additional' resources. The terms of EST transfers are qualified, 'as mutually agreed.' An amendment to paragraph 21 (cross-sectoral issues) calls for further study of voluntary certification.

Annex 1. Intergovernmental Panel on Forests: In paragraph I.3 (forest related knowledge), a reference to the Biodiversity Convention was introduced. Reference to 'under national law' was deleted.

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