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ENB:05:42 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


The Commission began its substantive work by convening two panel discussions. The first panel, on financial resources and mechanisms, featured Prof. Grzedorz Kolodko, the Polish Minister of Finance; Andrew Steer, the World Bank; Vito Tanzi, IMF; Hilary Thompson, National Westminster Bank; and Maximo Kalaw, Green Forum, the Philippines. The second panel focused on sectoral issues and featured Franz Fischler, European Commissioner for Agriculture; Graham Blight, IFAP; David Harcharick, FAO; John Falloon, Minister of Forestry of New Zealand; and Elizabeth Dowdeswell, UNEP. These panels were followed by a more general debate. There were also three days of general debates on progress in the implementation of Agenda 21. After the general debates, the Chair and the Secretariat distributed draft decisions on each of the items, which were then discussed by three drafting groups. Drafting Group A was chaired by Magn£s J¢hannesson, Drafting Group B was chaired by Takao Shibata and Drafting Group C was chaired by Henry Aryamanya-Mugisha.