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CONFERENCES ON FINANCING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: The World Bank hosted a series of meetings in Washington, DC, on the issue of finance. The first, "Servicing Innovative Financing of Environmentally Sustainable Development (ESD)," was held from 2-4 October 1995, in cooperation with the Earth Council. The second meeting, on "Effective Financing of Environmentally Sustainable Development," was held from 4-6 October 1995. Other related meetings dealt with ethics and spiritual values, accounting for nature, monitoring environmental progress, and sustainability and self-empowerment.

More than 1,400 people attended the Conferences, including leaders of governments, NGOs, businesses and international institutions, as well as noted scholars, financiers and social and ethical thinkers. On 5 October, four thematic and four regional roundtables were held on effective financing for ESD. The thematic roundtables examined cross-cutting concerns of environment and health, global ESD programmes, private sector participation, and resource conservation, science and policy. The regional roundtables explored area-specific and global issues linking environment and development, including poverty, the effects of debt, community participation and urban pollution.

For more information, contact Ms. Joan Martin Brown at the World Bank, tel: +1-202-473-2310; fax: +1-202-473-3112; e-mail: