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The Drafting Group considering cross-sectoral issues met during the morning. In the draft decision on international institutional arrangements (Chapter 38 of Agenda 21), the G- 77/CHINA stressed the need to review the CSD’s structure in the paragraph noting the new elements introduced in the work of the CSD. The EU added text underlining the linkage between various UN Commissions through their multi-year programmes of work.

In the draft decision on international legal instruments and mechanisms (Chapter 39), the US expressed reservations about references to “principles” of international law. The EU prioritized UNEP’s work in reviewing international law and referred to the Montevideo review. He proposed paragraphs recognizing the administrative burden on developing countries and the importance of major group participation. CANADA introduced paragraphs on compliance and monitoring, and dispute resolution.

In the draft decision on promoting education, public awareness and training (Chapter 36), the G-77/CHINA added text calling on actors to provide assistance to promote education in developing countries. The EU, supported by CANADA, added text noting that traditional knowledge should be valued and establishing a work programme based on the operative paragraphs of the decision. CANADA added a paragraph encouraging governments to work in partnership with youth to prepare them for sustainable livelihoods.

In the draft decision on information provided by governments and organizations, new EU paragraphs deal with consultation on reporting to future sessions of the Commission, taking account of ISDs, and streamlining reporting requirements. CANADA cautioned that a distinction must be drawn between CSD-related reporting and treaty-based obligations, including Rio conventions.

In the first revision of the draft decision on integrating environment and development in decision-making (Chapter 8), delegates agreed to encourage the development of strategies for “sustainable development, including economic, social and environmental aspects of growth,” rather than for “economic growth in the context of sustainable development.” The EU proposed text noting the importance of integrated environmental accounting. SAUDI ARABIA bracketed “NGOs” in the paragraph calling for actors to support national activities to implement Agenda 21.

In the first revision of the draft decision on Major Groups (Chapters 23 to 32), the G- 77/CHINA specified NGO participation in mobilizing technical and financial assistance to support sustainable development in developing countries. A new subparagraph urges governments to involve major groups in preparations for the review process at the national level and at the UN. The US said an invitation to ensure major group involvement in the Special Session should be directed through ECOSOC.

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