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ENB:05:56 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


The second revision to the draft Chair’s text on atmosphere was considered by Drafting Group I. A new paragraph to follow the paragraph urging MFIs to use lending policies to promote ESTs was proposed by BRAZIL and adopted. The paragraph refers to the decision on financial resources and mechanisms regarding international cooperation. The remainder of the revised text was adopted by the Drafting Group.

Drafting Group I then resumed consideration of a draft decision on the implementation of international fishery instruments. In the decision, the CSD, inter alia: welcomes the adoption of recent fishery agreements, resolutions and initiatives; notes the concern that significant fish stocks are depleted; and considers that urgent, corrective action is needed. The CSD recommends implementation to: prevent overfishing and excess fishing capacity; apply the precautionary approach; rebuild fish stocks throughout their range; minimize waste and discards; strengthen or create regional and sub-regional fisheries management organizations; and avoid adverse impacts on artisanal fisheries. The CSD recommends that the World Food Summit consider fisheries and recommends that the FAO prepare a progress report on sustainable fisheries.

NEW ZEALAND proposed reflecting the legally binding or voluntary nature of the agreements. The US, supported by VENEZUELA and the REPUBLIC OF KOREA, proposed implementation of waste and discard measures in accordance with the Straddling Stocks Agreement and the Code of Conduct. The REPUBLIC OF KOREA said the problem of depleted fish stocks should be included in the first paragraph to denote its importance. The EU proposed ensuring “full,” rather than “a high level of,” compliance.