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ENB:05:79 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


On 28 (energy), the EU proposed developing a common strategy for sustainable energy and an intersessional high-level CSD forum on environment and energy. The G- 77/CHINA said the initiative must ensure developing country input and participation. The US, AUSTRALIA and CANADA, among others, stressed the need for flexibility and expressed concerns on: prejudging the work programme deliberations; the implications of “strategy;” the structure and funding of the forum; integration of regional organizations; and prescription of national energy policies. The proposal was bracketed.

On 28(a) (provision of energy services), the EU added strengthening “domestic efforts” to a G-77/CHINA amendment on strengthening international cooperation, but the G-77/CHINA preferred assisting developing countries’ efforts. On 28(b) (energy policies), delegates revised a G-77/CHINA redraft on, [where appropriate], promoting policies [and plans for sustainable energy production and consumption] taking account of economic, “social” and environmental aspects of production, distribution and use. In 28(c) (modern renewable sources), a G-77/CHINA reformulation on time-bound commitments for relevant technology transfer to increase the use of renewables and cleaner fossil fuels was accepted by the EU with brackets around “time-bound commitments.” UKRAINE and RUSSIA added economies in transition. AUSTRALIA said developed countries should also increase the use of renewables. ICELAND called for targets in this regard.

On 28(d) (investment and R&D), delegates amended a G-77/CHINA redraft on promoting efforts in R&D “and use” (US) of renewable technologies. To G-77/CHINA text on further research, development, application and transfer of technology, the US proposed “cleaner and more efficient” technology. The G-77/CHINA objected and the insertion was bracketed. ICELAND’s proposal for targets to increase the share of renewables was not supported. On 28(e) (subsidies), AUSTRALIA, JAPAN, NEW ZEALAND, the US and the EU made proposals related to, inter alia: specific conditions of countries; reduction and/or elimination of subsidies; environmentally-damaging subsidies; and fossil and nuclear energy. The G-77/CHINA proposed deleting the paragraph. The Chair suggested that Northern countries discuss the proposals and consult with the G-77/CHINA. New subparagraphs on international cooperation on countermeasures (JAPAN) and nuclear safety (NORWAY) were added.

On oceans, delegates agreed that the EU-proposed 26(a)bis, calling for creating and strengthening, where needed, the system of regional and sub-regional agreements for ocean protection, would replace 26(b), which contains references to specific agreements and principles. On 26(c) (overcapacity), the Chair proposed a paragraph noting that States should address the elimination or prevention of overcapacity (CANADA) and the sustainable management and utilization (G-77/CHINA) of fishery (US) resources (ICELAND) and the reduction of wasteful fishing practices of developed countries (G-77/CHINA). JAPAN bracketed the reference to developed countries. The G-77/CHINA proposed a reference to industrial fishing. NORWAY, JAPAN, CANADA and the US emphasized that these problems are not only applicable to developed countries. The Chair proposed addressing these problems wherever they occur, especially in relation to large-scale fishing. Delegates agreed ad referendum that governments should consider the positive and negative impacts of subsidies and that the issues will need to be addressed in fora such as COFI.

On 26(d) (government action), NORWAY, supported by CANADA, proposed eliminating all references to specific organizations and adding language on, inter alia, improving the quality and quantity of scientific data. He also called for greater international cooperation to assist developing countries. Delegates bracketed 26(e) (follow-up) pending progress on the programme of work. On 26(f) (marine pollution), delegates discussed proposals on contingency planning, liability and compensation mechanisms, UNGA decision 51/189 and oil spills. On 25(h) (international watercourses), delegates agreed to development of international watercourses by “watercourse States” based on recent UNGA Sixth Committee and International Law Commission decisions.

On 29 (transport), the Chair proposed a compromise chapeau stating that current transport patterns (G-77/CHINA), with their dominant (IRAN) patterns of energy use (G- 77/CHINA), are not sustainable and current trends may have damaging effects on the global atmosphere, local air quality and human health (CANADA, US, AUSTRALIA and SWITZERLAND). The G-77/CHINA objected to noting specific environmental problems.

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