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Pursuant to ECOSOC resolution 1991/93, the UN regional commissions were invited to convene meetings or conferences to review the experience gained in population policies and programmes and plans for future action in their regions.

The first regional conference, the Fourth Asian and Pacific Population Conference was held in Denpasar, Indonesia from 19-27 August 1992. Its theme was Population and Sustainable Development: Goals and Strategies into the 21st century. The third African Population Conference was held in Dakar, Senegal from 7-12 December 1992. Its theme was Population, Family and Sustainable Development. The European Population Conference was held in Geneva from 23-26 March 1993. The principal themes were: international migration, fertility and the family, health and mortality, consequences of population growth and age structure and international cooperation in the field of population.

The Arab Population Conference was held in Amman, Jordan from 4-8 April 1993. Issues addressed included: population, development and environment linkages; population growth and demographic structure; population distribution and international migration; international migration, population and women; family planning and well-being. The Latin America and Caribbean Population and Development Conference was held in Mexico City from 29 April - 4 May 1993. Issues addressed included population growth, structure and distribution in the region; socio-economic trends and implications; population dynamics and development in the Caribbean subregion; population policies and programmes; population growth and distribution; women and population dynamics; and family planning, health and well-being.

Some of the common issues that emerged throughout the regional meetings included: the imperative that couples and individuals must have the right to determine family size; the central place of women in all aspects of population and sustainable development; the interrelationship of population, the environment and economic activity; the need for enhanced international cooperation; and the positive role of NGOs and community groups in the implementation of population programmes and activities.

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