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ENB:06:06 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


PLENARY: The Plenary will meet this morning in Conference Room 2 and discussion should close today on Agenda Item 5, "Proposed conceptual framework." Following Dr. Sai's request for greater specificity in interventions, look for more directed statements on both the structure and content of the final document.

THE "OPEN-ENDED RESTRICTED GROUP" ON STRUCTURE AND FORMAT OF THE FINAL DOCUMENT: An informal working group to debate the structure and format for the final conference document is supposed to meet this morning at 10:00 am. This group will exchange views on the chapters and headings of the final document. Discussion may be based on the outline presented in the proposed conceptual framework (PC/11).

SECRETARIAT DISCUSSION DOCUMENTS: Look for five two-page papers that have been drawn up by the Secretariat over the weekend. These papers will assist the ICW in its substantive discussions this week and should be delivered to the governments today so that they can prepare their responses. Debate will begin tomorrow and one-half day will be allotted for debate on each of the clusters decided at Friday's session of the ICW (see above). The papers are expected to compile the recommendations of the Expert and Regional meeting and to draw from the statements made in Plenary and written submissions made to the Secretariat.

NGO ACTIVITIES: The Women's Caucus will meet in Conference Room 6 at 9:00 am. The Asia and Pacific Island NGOs, as well as the Latin American/Caribbean NGOs, will meet in Conference Room D at 12:30 pm. The African NGOs have scheduled a meeting with the Africa Division of UNFPA at 1:30 pm in Conference Room 6 and will meet among themselves at 5:00 pm in Conference Room D.

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