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The overriding objective of PrepCom II was to reach agreement on the form and substance of the final document(s) to be adopted at the September 1994 Conference in Cairo. There, the ICPD is expected to have before it two major documents: 1) a review and appraisal of the World Population Plan of Action and, most importantly, 2) a new plan of action that will address the key objectives of the Conference, giving particular consideration to the ways and means of dealing with population issues in their proper development perspective. This new plan of action will address the links between population, sustained economic growth and sustainable development.

To this end, the ICPD Secretariat prepared a proposed conceptual framework and an outline for this new plan of action (E/CONF.84/PC/11). In this conceptual framework, the Secretariat recommended that the document contain two major parts: "Essential Principles for Population and Development" and "Choices and Responsibilities". Under the second part, the Secretariat outlined thirteen chapters encompassing such issues as integration of population concerns into development, the role and status of women, reproductive rights, international migration and population distribution.

PrepCom II opened on 10 May 1993. The first item on the agenda was the election of officers. Dr. Fred Sai of Ghana was elected Chair. The following were elected Vice-Chairs: Lionel A. Hurst (Antigua and Barbuda), Mauro Couto (Brazil), Tauno K„„ri„ (Finland), a representative from Hungary, Usha Vohra (India), Abdullah Chalil (Indonesia), Nicolaas H. Biegman (Netherlands), and Maymouna Diop (Senegal). The Vice-Chair, acting as Rapporteur, is Jerzy Z. Holzer (Poland). Nabil A. El-Araby (Egypt) was elected as an ex-officio member of the Bureau from the host country. After adopting the agenda and accrediting 332 non-ECOSOC NGOs, the Committee addressed the three major substantive issues on the agenda: Preparations for the Conference; Proposed Conceptual Framework of the Draft Recommendations of the Conference; and the Draft Provisional Rules of Procedure for the Conference.

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