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The ICPD was one of the issues addressed at the 1993 ECOSOC substantive session, held in Geneva from 28 June - 30 July. ECOSOC resolution 1993/76, adopted 30 July 1993, included the following:

  • Recommends that the ICPD Preparatory Committee become a subsidiary body of the General Assembly (a change from its status as a subsidiary body of ECOSOC);
  • Requests the ICPD Secretary-General to prepare by February 1994 the first draft of the final substantive document of the Conference, taking into account the views expressed by participants during PrepCom II and the 48th session of the General Assembly;
  • Decides to extend PrepCom III by one week (the three-week session will be from 4-22 April 1994);
  • Decides to convene two days of pre-Conference consultations in Cairo (3-4 September 1994);
  • Invites all Member States and organizations to support the trust funds established to assist developing countries in preparing for the Conference;
  • Requests the UN Secretary-General to promote the objectives and activities of the Conference; and
  • Requests the UN and ICPD Secretaries-General to include in the report of the Conference to the 48th session of the General Assembly an annotated outline of the final document of the Conference.
This ECOSOC resolution is being submitted to the General Assembly for its consideration.

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