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ENB:06:13 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


Belgium, on behalf of the European Community and its Member States, made the following points: there should be a succinct preamble and a statement of principle on population and development; the document should be simplified, actions clearly targeted and a proliferation of topics should be avoided; the document should be clear in its objectives; sectoral and cross-sectoral aspects should be integrated into chapters without subdivisions; and the number of recommendations should be restricted and grouped by chapter rather than section. The EC believes that the document should contain recommendations regarding: the promotion of fair and sustainable development for the benefit of the human race; the improvement of knowledge of the relationship between population, environment and development; cooperation to implement international commitments to eliminate discrimination against women and girls; addressing sexual and reproductive health, including abortion; ensuring that choice about the number of children remains a basic human right for the couple and the individual; considering the needs of the adolescent population; finding solutions to migration problems; and rehabilitating living conditions to better integrate immigrants.