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ENB:06:13 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


The delegate from Switzerland said that the Cairo document should have a concise preamble and statement of principles. He noted with interest the proposal for 20-year goals that would help reinforce a social fabric conducive to sustainable human development. He tabled comments on the annotated outline that dealt with the structure and subject matter of the chapters. The sub-chapters need to be more consistent. On matters of substance, the notion of "carrying capacity" (Chapter III) needs more clarification; the objectives of the Chapter IV, Part A, "Empowerment and the Status of Women," are not sufficiently elaborated; Chapter V, "The Family, Its Roles, Composition and Structure," has a Western perspective and its structure and content could be improved; the objectives and selected topics for recommendations in Chapter VI, "Population Growth and Structure," are vague and this chapter's treatment of indigenous people should be within a broader context; and a sub-chapter on "integration," which would include comments on social and economic integration of resident legal migrants and strategies to promote integration, especially of vulnerable groups, is missing from Chapter X, "International Migration".