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In 15.15 (cooperation with the private sector), the Holy See, Nigeria and Guinea-Bissau included appropriate education and information. Canada suggested changing the phrase "culturally acceptable" to "culturally sensitive." In 15.16bis (private sector responsibilities), Norway urged governments to strongly encourage the private sector to disseminate consumer information on population and health related products and services. Canada put family planning in the broader context of reproductive health. The Holy See requested that phrases referring to family planning should always be bracketed until resolution of the use of this term by Working Group II. In 15.1 (Basis for Action), the EU supported use of the word "partnership" in the title. Sweden, Canada, Norway, Nigeria and Jamaica supported deletion of the bracketed language, "in a consultative basis." In 15.5 (expertise of NGOs), Indonesia, supported by Sweden, Canada, the EU and Senegal, requested a more inclusive term to describe womens' rights organizations. Jamaica, supported by the Holy See, wanted deletion of the second sentence regarding the responsibility of governments to provide full, safe and accessible reproductive health services. The US, Sweden, Peru and Nigeria sought retention of the sentence. In 15.13 (private sector role in sustainable development), The Gambia requested that the third and fourth sentences be transferred to the section on action.


In 12.2 (Objectives), Uganda, supported by Jamaica, requested inclusion of dissemination along with collection and analysis needs. In 12.15 (Objectives), the problem of the placement of the list of underserved groups, such as women (India), children (C“te d'Ivoire), families (Indonesia and The Gambia), disabled (Norway), and migrants, refugees and displaced persons (Croatia) was resolved by the EU, who suggested that the list be placed at the bottom of the page with an asterisk. The US suggested a new 12.2 (c) regarding the various socio-economic and cultural contexts of family planning behavior, and the importance of that context in the design and implementation of service programmes.

In 12.1 (Basis for action for Section A), Jamaica proposed deletion of "individuals, organizations and" in the last sentence. This last amendment was opposed by the Philippines and Norway. Nigeria suggested reference to "enabling individuals, organizations and developing countries to have access on a no-cost basis."

In 12.7 (Basis for action in Section B), China, supported by the Solomon Islands and the EU suggested reference to fertility regulation instead of contraception. They also added reference to legal, as well as ethical, medical and scientific standards for biomedical research. The Holy See raised its concerns regarding "contraception".

In 12.14 (Basis for action for Section C), the Solomon Islands suggested the addition of "particularly concerning indigenous practices". Benin added reference to the lack of related knowledge in developing countries. Honduras said that many developed countries also lack the relevant knowledge. Brazil denied any lack of such knowledge in his country.

In 12.3 (strengthening national capacity), Brazil, opposed by the EU, called for reference to donor countries and not just international organizations. The EU suggested reference to bilateral and multilateral channels instead. Morocco requested reference to social equity as well as gender equity goals. Jamaica added reference to poverty alleviation among the goals to be monitored.

In 12.5 (establishment of qualitative and quantitative data bases), Jamaica, opposed by the EU, added a reference "to assessing and measuring poverty and quality of care". The EU proposed, and Jamaica accepted, that the reference to poverty be placed instead in the second line, among the factors to be linked.

In 12.5bis (demographic and socio-economic information networks), the EU referred to the existence of the POPIN network and suggested that reference to the need to create networks be replaced with reference to the need to strengthen existing ones. Senegal wanted the reference to the creation of networks but agreed to compromise language.

In 12.6 (enhancing knowledge on the position and role of gender), Colombia deleted reference to womens' uncompensated economic activity. Pakistan, supported by the Philippines and Senegal, insisted on its retention.

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