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B. Socio-Economic Support for the Family: In 5.7 (objective), delegates agreed to focus on families and the changing needs of their individual members, rather than adopt the singular concept of "the family." A section was added on elderly and disabled members. In 5.9 (innovative ways to assist families), delegates agreed, subject to the objection by the Holy See, to bracket "families in its various forms." Pakistan, India and Bangladesh objected to the word "excessive" before "dowry payment", since the institution of the dowry may pose problems to families. Bolivia added AIDS and incest as potential problems for some families. In 5.11 (assistance for family solidarity), Norway included efforts to unify family members who are war victims.


A. Fertility, Mortality and Population Growth Rates: In 6.3 (objectives), India, supported by Honduras, Brazil, Cameroon, Cuba, and China, argued that population growth is not the only obstacle to sustainable development. An integrated approach to population and development should include the adverse effects of conspicuous consumption. The EU, supported by Japan, Australia and the US, agreed to the inclusion of consumption. Nicaragua, Honduras, Brazil and Switzerland objected to the goal of population stabilization, since many countries experience declining population. In 6.4 (steps to accelerate demographic transition from high to low fertility), delegates agreed to bracket "reproductive health and family planning." Delegates also agreed to delete the sentence regarding international support since the issue has been dealt with elsewhere. Agreement was reached to focus on population transition instead of stabilization, with a separate sub-paragraph on depopulating countries. In 6.5 (relation between high fertility and mortality), it was agreed to leave and expand the list of high risk pregnancies. Delegates agreed with Bolivia's suggestion to move the reference to rural development to 6.4 and to delete the section on communication, despite Morocco's objections.

B. Children and Youth: In 6.7(b) (meeting the special needs of adolescents), Sweden emphasized the importance of preparing children and adolescents to participate in political life. In 6.7(c) (reasons to keep children in school), Nicaragua, Bolivia, Bangladesh, and Sweden remarked that children and adolescents should remain in school to develop their full potential, and not just to prevent undesirable early marriages as stated in the text.

In 6.10 (efforts to eliminate child marriages and union), Indonesia objected to the word "unions" since it is not reflected in all societies. The EU and Latin American delegations objected. In 6.10bis (measures to alleviate suffering of child victims of war), it was agreed to include victims of other forms of disaster as well. In 6.12 (services), the Pacific Islands emphasized the right to privacy when accessing health services. The Holy See and Nicaragua did not disagree with the issue of confidentiality, but insisted on the addition of the phrase "with due regard to parental rights and responsibilities." Namibia, Finland, Bolivia, Brazil, and Botswana objected, arguing that it contradicted fundamental human right. Delegates agreed to accept Cuba's suggestion to include "sexual" before "reproductive health" with brackets to be placed around both terms.

C. The Elderly: Brazil requested specific reference to the needs of elderly women in 6.14 (objectives). Delegates agreed to add an objective to provide a social support system for formal and informal families to care for the elderly within the family. In 6.17 (safety networks), Botswana suggested that governments should provide social services to the elderly. The US, Switzerland, and Australia requested the addition of a section on women and noted the importance of housing and long term care for the elderly. The Chair agreed to add reference to the need for social support systems and nets, developed through collaboration between government, private sector, and NGOs.

D. Indigenous People: Australia requested the addition of brackets around [s] in "people." The Holy See and Bolivia supported the name as it stands. Delegates agreed to retain the bracketed "s" pending the outcome of the working group on indigenous populations on the same question. Canada wanted to address primary health care in 6.22 (governments address needs of indigenous) Guatemala, joined by Ecuador, wanted to recognize the culture and spirituality of indigenous populations. The Chair was willing to incorporate both changes.

E. Disabled Persons: Delegates agreed to the addition of a reference to the goal of improving the dignity and promotion of self reliance among the disabled. Based on the Secretariat's suggestion, the Chair will add health care to the forms of discrimination in 6.27 (needs of the disabled). Switzerland, the US, and Australia wanted to remove "international migration" in 6.27, arguing that national laws in certain cases may not be conducive to such a requirement. Sweden and the Cameroon requested its retention. The Chair will bracket [international migration], which will be discussed again in Chapter X. Pakistan noted that there is no mention as to which party is to be held responsible for the actions to be undertaken in these paragraphs. He requested that governments be specified as the responsible bodies.


WORKING GROUP I: Working Group I will commence its session this morning with a review of the text on paragraphs 3.4 and 3.13 that were to have been resolved in informal sessions last night. They will then complete the second reading on Chapter III (Interrelationships between Population, Sustained Economic Growth and Sustainable Development) and then move on to Chapters XIII (National Action), XIV (International Cooperation) and XV (Partnership with the Non-Governmental Sector). An evening session is planned for tonight to continue work on these chapters. Since all chapters must be submitted for translation by Monday evening, the second reading of the entire text must be completed Monday afternoon.

WORKING GROUP II: The Working Group will commence its second reading of Chapter VII (Reproductive Rights, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Family Planning) in the morning and Chapter VIII (Health, Morbidity and Mortality) in the afternoon. An evening session is also expected. An informal group will meet to discuss objective 6.3 (reduction of high rates of population growth) in Room 6 at 3 pm today.

PRESS BRIEFING/NGO FORUM: EarthAction will host an informal press briefing on the state-of-play of negotiations today at 11:00 am in Press Conference Room 226 as well as a Forum for NGOs to discuss media and NGO strategies in preparation for Cairo. The Forum will be held at 1:00 pm in the DHL Lounge, 12th Floor of the UN Church Center.

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