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ENB:06:27 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


WORKING GROUP I: The Working Group will meet for the final time this morning to complete the remaining outstanding chapters under its mandate, which include: paragraphs 13.14-13.18 (National Action); paragraphs 3.11, 3.13 and 3.20 (Population, Sustained Economic Growth and Sustainable Development); and Chapter XVI, Follow-up.

WORKING GROUP II: The Working Group will complete its second reading of Chapter VII, Reproductive Rights, Reproductive Health and Family Planning, this morning, beginning with paragraph 7.12.

PLENARY: The Plenary is expected to meet from 3:00 - 9:00 pm to take final decision on the revised chapters that have been translated. The following chapters were distributed on Tuesday and will be considered first: XV. Partnership with the Non-Governmental Sector (A/CONF.171/PC/L.3); IV. Gender Equity, Equality and the Empowerment of Women (L.4); V. The Family, its Roles, Rights, Composition and Structure (L.5). The following three chapters are also expected to be distributed and considered by the Committee today: VI. Population Growth and Structure (L.6); IX. Population Distribution, Urbanization and Internal Migration (L.9); and XIII. National Action (L.10).