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B. Family Planning: In 7.12(a) (objective), the Holy See requested replacement of "couples and individuals," with "men and women." Namibia and New Zealand objected and it was bracketed. In 7.12(c), delegates accepted India's suggestion to include "acceptability" as a qualifier for family planning. In 7.12(e), India added the need to increase men's participation in practicing family planning. In 7.13(a) (promoting the principle of voluntary choice in family planning), the text was bracketed by Malta, Ecuador and Nicaragua, who argued that family planning implies abortion. In 7.13(b) (governments' role in assessing and providing unmet family planning needs), the EU asked to bracket the target dates. Malaysia proposed "widest possible range," since some countries may be unable to provide "the full range" of family planning. Norway and Finland disagreed and the term was bracketed. Since statistical projections in the second part of the paragraph were not action-oriented, they were moved to the basis for action. In 7.13(c) (government responsibility to ensure family planning services conform with human rights standards), Iran and Indonesia questioned the existence of accepted standards. The term was deleted. In 7.13(d) (role of NGOs), delegates highlighted the cooperative role of NGOs and the need for evaluating NGO activities.

In 7.14 (barriers to family planning services), Malta preferred the term "obstacles," but was faced with objection from India and the Solomon Islands who agreed with the text and WHO's definition of the term. "Barrier" was bracketed in its first reference in the paragraph. In its second reference, the US, the Philippines, Morocco, Bangladesh, Brazil and Iran asked to delete the enumeration of barriers, since they may not have the same significance everywhere. In 7.15 (role of governments in removing barriers to informed choice), the enumerated list of barriers was bracketed and reference to safety of services was deleted. In 7.16 (the role of political leaders in promoting family planning), Benin, Malta and Ecuador reminded delegates that political leaders cannot be obliged to submit to international pressure. Malta insisted that family planning should be "legally permissible." Bangladesh argued that Malta's suggestion was a contradiction in terms, since governments cannot implement illegal policies. In 7.17 (individual decisions), it was agreed to delete the section on incentives and disincentives, since it was not action-oriented. In 7.18(c) (provision of services), the EU emphasized the importance of the reference to "confidentiality." Honduras bracketed it. The Holy See agreed with the EU as long as "contraception" is bracketed. In 7.18(g) (breastfeeding as a method of family planning), the term "low fertility" was deleted by the Russian Federation. In 7.19 (production and distribution of contraceptives in developing countries), it was agreed to add "economies in transition." In response to Benin's concern, the WHO ensured that the list of essential drugs will change based on research results on the safety of new contraceptives. Delegates retained the current formulation since the Plenary unbracketed "contraception." In 7.20 (the role of the private and public sectors), the Solomon Islands highlighted the difficulty associated with cost recovery in some countries.

C. Sexually Transmitted Diseases and HIV Prevention: In 7.23 (objective), the US requested special attention to women and girls. In 7.24 (family planning and reproductive health programmes), Norway emphasized reproductive tract infections. In 7.26 bis (promotion of condoms), the US and the Philippines emphasized high-quality condoms, while the Holy See asked for brackets.

D. Human Sexuality and Gender Relations: In 7.29 (objectives), the EU requested the reinsertion of a paragraph from the original text on access by women and men to information for achieving sexual health. In 7.31 (national policies), delegates accepted Nigeria's suggestion that policies should be based on the current realities of sexual behavior and respect human sexuality. In 7.33 (preventing female genital mutilation), Uganda and Malawi asked for rehabilitation services for the victims. Nigeria mentioned other abusive practices against women.

E. Adolescents: In 7.37(a) (objective), delegates agreed to Bolivia's suggestion to include voluntary abstinence. Reference to reproductive health services was bracketed at the insistence of Morocco, who does not provide these services to unmarried adolescents. In 7.37(b) (objective), delegates agreed to the reduction of "all" adolescent pregnancies. In 7.38 (actions), Benin insisted on inclusion of the rights of parents. In 7.39 (rights of adolescents), Argentina, supported by Ecuador, said that in Latin America adolescents are linked to the family. Malaysia, the Holy See, Malta, the US, Japan, Canada and Australia favored reducing adolescent pregnancies. In 7.40 (special needs of adolescents), the Holy See and Peru said that pregnant adolescents require special support from their families and communities. In 7.40 bis (programme composition), Brazil, supported by Peru, Canada and the EU, suggested giving special status to parents and families. The US, supported by Jamaica and the Solomon Islands, stressed training for those who provide guidance.

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