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ENB:06:39 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


This chapter contains the following sections: fertility, mortality and population growth rates; children and youth; elderly people; indigenous people; and persons with disabilities. In addition to "sexual and reproductive health care," the only brackets in this chapter were around indigenous people[s]. This matter was discussed primarily within the negotiations on the principles, where Australia eventually agreed to withdraw its demand that reference be made to "indigenous peoples," but said that this would need to be addressed by the UN. Several countries also tried to amend unbracketed text. Argentina, supported by Brazil, asked that the reference to "territories" be replaced with "land" in paragraph 6.27 (indigenous people). Bolivia argued that these are two different concepts that should not be confused. Brazil added that land ownership should not be substituted for land tenure. Delegates finally agreed to replace "own and manage territories" with "have tenure and manage their lands."