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ENB:07:05 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


The Chair, Satya Nandan, opened the meeting by summarizing the three previous days of general debate. He said that the discussion satisfied the first substantive item in the mandate of this Conference, as stated in resolution 47/192: "Identify and assess existing problems related to the conservation and management of highly migratory and straddling fish stocks." Nandan highlighted a number of issues where there appears to be convergence, including:

  • Commitment to seeking long-term solutions.
  • Effective conservation and management of straddling and highly migratory fish stocks over their range.
  • Effective management can only be achieved through cooperation among States.
  • The 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea must be the legal framework within which conservation and management measures are developed.
  • Adoption of a code of conduct for responsible fishing.
  • Data and scientific information are essential for conservation and management measures. In the absence of such data, the precautionary approach principle should be applied, where appropriate.
  • Principles of resources sustainability are an essential component of conservation and management.
  • Agreement on compliance and enforcement is needed.
  • Effective conservation and management must be reinforced by appropriate dispute settlement mechanisms.
  • Conservation and management regimes of these stocks should not be undermined by non-parties.
  • Technical cooperation should be provided to developing countries to enhance their capabilities in fisheries conservation and management.
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