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ENB:07:16 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


The UN Conference on Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks opened on Monday, 12 July 1993 at UN Headquarters in New York. After three days of general debate, the Plenary began to address the major issues before it, guided by a summary of the issues before the Conference, prepared by the Chair (A/CONF.164/10). The Plenary held formal sessions on each of the eight issues outlined and then adjourned to allow informal consultations to continue. At each of these informal meetings, Nandan presented the group with a working paper that summarized the issues raised in the Plenary and papers submitted by interested delegations. Based on the discussions of these papers, Nandan drafted his final text (A/CONF.164/13), which was circulated on the last day of the session. On the final day, the Conference adopted the following decisions:

  • The Conference will recommend to the General Assembly that services be provided for two additional sessions, to be held in New York in the spring and the summer of 1994. Tentative dates for these meetings are 14-31 March and 15-26 August.
  • The Conference requested that the FAO prepare informational papers on the precautionary approach and maximum sustainable yield in advance of the next session.
The following is a summary of both the discussions and the final draft on each of these issues based on the order of the chapters in Nandan's text, issued in Plenary on 30 July 1993 as A/CONF.164/13.