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ENB:07:17 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]

Cape Verde

noted the positive developments in the Conference on Straddling and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks and called for a timely response on the issues of mechanisms for international cooperation, flag State responsibility, port State enforcement and compatibility and coherence between national and international conservation measures for the same stocks.

During the month of November, the Chair of the Conference, Satya Nandan, conducted a series of informal consultation aimed at preparing the draft resolution on the Conference on Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks to be adopted by the General Assembly. The draft resolution, as contained in A/C.2/48/L.44 was introduced by Nandan on 29 November. He commented that the dates for the two sessions of the Conference were arrived at with great difficulty. Before the resolution was adopted by the Second Committee on 10 December, however, there was further debate on the dates for the next session. The basic problem is that all the proposed dates overlapped with the dates of other UNCED follow-up conferences.

In its preambular paragraphs, the resolution reaffirms the General Assembly resolution 47/192 concerning the convening of the Conference and its mandate. It notes that the Conference held two sessions in 1993 and notes with appreciation the contributions made to the Conference by the FAO. It further notes the decision of the Conference regarding the meetings required in order to complete its work, and expresses the desirability of the widest possible participation in the Conference, to ensure its success.

In the operative part of the resolution, the General Assembly takes note of the progress made; reaffirms that the Conference should complete its work before the 49th session of the General Assembly; approves the convening of two further sessions during 1994, from 14-31 March and 15-26 August, in New York; and requests the Secretary-General to provide the required services for the two sessions. Recognizing that the widest possible participation in the Conference is important to ensure its success, the resolution also requested governments and regional economic integration organizations to contribute to the voluntary fund for the purpose of assisting developing countries to participate fully and effectively in the Conference. The resolution also requests the Secretary-General to circulate to delegations, as early as possible, the information papers being prepared by the FAO.

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